Tue, 18 Sept
|Rydges Parramatta
The Hon. Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Finance, Services & Property (1)
Rydalmere Planning Proposal
Time & Location
18 Sept 2018, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Rydges Parramatta, 116-118 James Ruse Dr, Rosehill NSW 2142, Australia
About The Event
To provide more detail on the benefit of the Proposal to deliver a number of benefits for the community and the broader economy including:
• Accelerated urban renewal and the provision of housing choice within the Greater Parramatta area
• Provision of residential dwellings closer to employment opportunities in the Parramatta CBD, Rydalmere and Western
Sydney University’s Rydalmere campus
• Improved connectivity between the two university campuses by locating commercial uses in the southern part of the site
• Creation of local jobs
• Preservation of biodiversity values in the Vineyard Creek corridor
• Provision of significant open space
A$75.00Sale endedConcession Tickets
Students or Pensioner - Proof ID required
A$30.00Sale ended